Dark Voices

As I lie in bed, unable to sleep unable to think. All I hear is these voices, these voices that won't leave my conscious, or what is left of my conscious, these voices they fight with me they leave me no peace in the day. In the day! When all evil is asleep, and have no shadows to hide and attack from. They fight and yell and shreak! When they get louder I get weaker and I can't focus life is slipping away and fading. Not even the sweet sound of music can calm these voices they drown this god given gift out and tell me, they tell me, "you can try to bury your secrets into the forgotten regains of your mind but you'll never escape them!" I try to snap back to realitty, but my head is in throbbing pain and I just weaken more and let the voice in my head talk more and I just weaken more and more and more.