The Monster In the Woods

The darkness is like a blanket that covers me head to toe
I shout through the night, shouting the name of my companion.
A soft sound escapes from the woods and I wait for whatever it is to show.
What could this be in the proud woods?
Perhaps a demon with claws and blazing yellow eyes.
Or it could be a monster wanting to rip my skin of my body.
I'm frightened now and my fingers grip my arm tightly.
The sound of whispering fills the air and i began to cry.
I fear for my life. I fear some devil is going to attack me. I know i am insane.
When the whispering stops, I realize it was the trees in the woods. The wind was rustling the leaves.
Slowly relaxing, I call my companion's name again.
I hear a quiet sound in reply. My fears build up again as I shine my flashlight at the thing coming towards me.
Yellow eyes peer at me. I'm frightened and my breathing stops as my light goes out.
What was that creature? It was a demon. It's yellow eyes shone brightly in the moonlight.
But, my fears instantly flee my body as I feel the warmth of my companion: my cat.
I laugh and smooth the fur on his body.His mischievous golden orbs gleam in the pale light.
I forgot that as a cat, he comes and goes as he pleases.
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My first poem. Based on a true event that happened to me.