The power held once paper meets ink

causing reality to sink,

deep within me making feelings officially official to me

which is why i avoid my pen

which is why i lose my train of thought, trying not to find it

which is why i rip up each sheet

because every itty bitty piece

begins and ends with you

i can't deny the truth know its funny how a contract is written up with rules once two agree

its funny how a restraining order is put in place to keep one away

its really funny how a treaty ends a war

do you not see the power of written words?

this is exactly why i wish i didn't feel the need to rhyme

and release what i have bottle up inside, in this poem

because its a treaty

ending my war between the lies i want to keep

and the truth i clearly see

I know i'll regret each and every stroke of the 13 words im about to write

but in all honesty....

I can see myself one day falling madly deeply in LOVE with you

Now i wonder how long it will take for me to rip up this page

so i can go back to ignoring the truth