Over Rated

Something long lived
the very thing that haunts us
do we have what it takes?
do i have what it takes to have beauty?

wait, why should i care?
beauty is something thats over rated
if he did love you
he wouldn't care what you look like
just care about how you are and what you do

beauty is something that people should care less about
you have more things to worry about
so why worry about something so small?
something so stupid?

its all a joke
wondering if you look nice that day
it doesn't matter
as long as its you
no one will care

beauty is something that is held within the eye of the beholder
which changes with time
it used to be pale with pinned up hair
now its the exotic is what is new
yet no one really looks like that
how can it be beautiful when it is so rare and non-exsistant?

ya if you look pretty one day youll get compliments
but worrying about it everyday will stress you out
make you worry if your make-up is ruined
or even if you shirt is wrinkled
as long as its still you
then no one should care at all
♠ ♠ ♠
Just something I was thinking about ^^