I Love You

I am for you
Do not be dismayed
I will not leave nor forsake
For I am your shepherd

I love you
You’re my daily delight
I made you in my image
Your cup will overflow

I believe in you
All you need is a little bit of faith
I yearn to see you thrive
To be happy and free

I will not fail you
I strive to make you happy
To bring a straight path
Satan shall not intervene

I will be with you
Through all tribulations
Within the dark and the light
Even within your heart

I will provide for you
The things you desire
Both love and a friend
All I ask for is prayer

I will bless you
In all that you do
Hope, love, and family
Bring peace to your heart

I will give you rest
Take the time to be with me
Take the time to spread my love
And that’ll lead to unbroken rest

I will strengthen you
Your enemies are mine
Trials are brought to bring métier
Your prayer will be resilient

I will answer you
It just might take some time
Patience is a virtue
But know, that I love you.