Chaotic Colors

Once upon a time, my canvas was clean and pure. 
Empty and bright, no distractions to obscure. 
As untouched and white as freshly fallen snow,
But your chaotic colors came and blocked my light below. 

Clumps of red hit me like bricks when you look my way. 
I can't withstand the pressure and my edges start to fray. 
Crimson punches beat my canvas to the rhythm of my fear-filled heart,
I won't last through the abuse of your piercing abstract art. 

As the red paint drips, still soaked in my dismay
A new layer starts, it splatters on; the most tragic shade of gray. 
The somber pigment shatters like glass and punctures my pathetic protection, 
Like a thousand tiny pinpricks added to this catastrophic collection. 

The clouded hue of numbness impedes my hopeful view. 
Like thick fog on a gloomy morning you just can't get through. 
The next step in your process is the most horrifying of all,
You glue yourself to my canvas so your memory never falls. 

Staring at your masterpiece, I see its disastrous glow.
The world's still spinning around me, but time is just too slow. 
I turn around, my back to you; but your destruction isn't done.
The ripples last forever. It seems you've finally won. 

Suddenly, I'm running- like my life is on the line
Sprinting towards the darkness; when I get there, I'll be fine. 
Black is my oblivion, it's what I desperately need, 
Let me forget your chaotic colors. Let me forget- and I'll be freed.