
No one looked better than her in the Caribbean corner
Until these white boys came and rapped her
No one was living more simply and quietly
Until they came and ended that beautiful story
They came from their perfect place
Discovered a peaceful island, and a creative race
They named the ones they found Indians
Used them, as if they weren’t even humans

Attracted by gold, too lazy to work on their own
These colonist were just chilling on their throne
And after giving birth to the genocide of the Indian nation
They needed new slaves to face their discrimination

So they bought slaves from Africa
Brought them in America
Thought it would be the same
Didn’t know that new picture would have a different frame

Those black folks made a revolution
We became the first free black nation
We became an example for others
Like twitter we started having followers

We pulled out the colonists
Killed them, burned them
Took them off our lists

The revolution was worth it
But didn’t make our lives perfect
Such a little country, so many presidents
Our political issues turned many Haitians into other countries’ citizens

One day, Haiti, our mom got sick
Strangers came again
Pretended they were here to give medicines
She got raped again

Vulnerable little girl
Her story went all around the world
She gave birth to more problems that she already had
When they looked at her face they could see she was sad

And it wasn’t even the end
Cyclones washed and slapped her
A memorable earthquake shook her
But nothing could ever break her

Her children are considered as the strongest nation ever
We should remember this forever
We lost so many people, dropped so many tears
We have so many problems, so many fears
But still we hold on, till the end we stay strong

“What goes up, must come down”, we experienced it
“What goes down must go back up” no one ever mentioned it
Let’s make it happen
Let’s bounce back and fly again

If countries were considered as bitches
There was a time when Haiti had the most clients
We had lots of tourists, lots of immigrants
But now it’s just history, it’s a half faded memory
But we can do it again, Haiti is still pretty

Let’s turn her swag back on
We don’t need strangers, let’s do it on our own
Let’s show the world what we’ve got
Let’s rise again, and reach the top

We got beautiful beaches
Delicious peaches
An amazing culture
Let’s promote it to make a better future
We’re creative; let’s slow down on the acculturation
Let’s change other’s opinion

They think we’re broke
Let’s burn that illusion
And let rise the smoke

Let’s show what Medias don’t
Let’s prove we’re talented, some journalists won’t
Let’s show them our shining sun,
Our attractive mountains and waterfalls
Let’s make them dance to our drums rhythm

The time has come for us to glow
We have so much to show
And it’s also time we let the whole world know
That Haiti will shine again
We’re gonna turn our country into heaven