
From my wrist
Drip bloody tears
Ones shed
To prove my fears
Alone again
Like always before
Drudging through life
My cursed chore
No one to stand
By my side
No one to comfort
Or give a place to hide
No warm arms
To hold me tight
Or keep me safe
Through the night
Just cold sheets and darkness
Covering my face
Until I’m left
In Death’s embrace
And maybe, finally,
By the morrow
I won’t be quite
So filled with sorrow
And maybe the scars
Upon my arm
Will no longer do me
Any harm
That’s my hope
Night after night
As I lay
Gripping my pillow tight
But every morning
Comes just the same
A fresh wave of pain
So through another day
I must fight
And hide the scars
Out of sight
Then try once again
To make it ‘til dusk
The fading light
That hurts so much
To lie in bed
Alone in pain
So the next day
I can do it over again