Fear of Blood

Humans all have fears, I have fears, this is not strange nor should anyone become ashamed of it. In fact many should find themselves so lucky to have dulled fears as they do. To look at the blood dripping down another persons cheek and to not find yourself reeling back in horror. You fear things that are a hazard to you, things that your better off avoiding. Then what say this fear is stronger to the norm, how should it be treated?

I have one such fear, the fear to see the quivering crimson, the dark elixir of life. When I see blood I do not see a small cut on the leg, a soft graze of the flesh, my eyes and flesh freeze seeing headless men exposed hearts, limbless and screaming men and women crying as bombs rip ever deeper into their flesh. Even as I write this, thinking of the substance my heads grow rigid, and my heart pumps ironically harder. Your trauma, your fear, I have felt the shell shock of a soldier without ever stepping into war, flashes of gore haunting my vision any time blood lingers in my sight. Memories of nightmares replacing themselves on my eyes as if they took place in front of me, headless children spouting blood like fountains out the necks. There are those who I regret knowing this weakness, their cruelty knowing no bounds to wave their grazed flesh at me, laughing at my reactions to the tiny spots of crimson, like the ever evil clown of a horror story.
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Fears are a normal part of life.