My Inner Phantom

Creeping round corners,
Sneaking upstairs,
Hearing faint footsteps,
nobody cares.

Untill one dark night,
My phantom came out,
And made all the teens,
Tremble and shout.

He chucked books at the teachers,
Pushed adults downstairs,
And made all the under nines,
Have terrible nightmares.

He turned the lights on and off,
All through the night.
When cars wanted to go left,
He'd make them turn right.

On the occasion he'd show his face,
That is totally gruesome,
With his eye and his mouth,
In the wrong place.

You'd then give him one look,
That led to another.
He would make you imagine him,
Killing your own mother.

This usually makes victims vomit with fright,
then most people would be found,
Dead the next night.

but dont worry about me,
He's mine afterall.
You could even say him and I have a ball.

This is my Inner Phantom
♠ ♠ ♠
I created it and no.. I do not have an inner phantom :L Enjoy!