cruel and crucial

Within life there are the cruel and the crucial.

Love is cruel and crucial,
Everyone strives for it even though it leaves pain in its wake.
cruel and crucial.
We are addicted not to love but the idea of love, the postcard perfect relationship.
Even when it turns romantic novel tragic.

Art is cruel and crucial,
It is paved with happiness and heartbreak, excitement and terror.
Without it we are dull and bland creatures,
With it we cry and laugh with emotion.
It brings light to dark and dark to light.
Cruel and crucial.

Passion is cruel and crucial,
Emotion felt with pure passion give us love, art, joy, and despair.
Without it we are nothing,
With it we are human.
We influence it with sex, drugs, money, and all the so called sins of man. But without sin and passion, what is humanity?

Life is cruel and crucial,
It ties everything together and forces us to suffer and rejoice until our cords are finally cut.
no one knows how long it lasts, which only makes the cruel and crucial all that much more sweet, and all that much more terrifying.
Cruel and crucial.