you let me bleed my revenge

You left me to bleed
All I felt was the pain
When you could see me
I knew the blood would stain

My heart was crumbling inside
I felt I would die
That's all I could feel
And I couldn't even cry

You left me
You left me all alone
You betray me
In this empty home

Then the vampires swooped
Down to my flesh and bones
Cause you left me here
In my empty home

Your eyes were so promising
But they let me down
Your words were said with beauty
And that’s why I had to frown

Then I got help
Help from the souls of hell
They took you to this graveyard
Haha i thought that was swell.

When you got here
Where I buried you alive
Without control
I knew you couldn't survive

My revenge was done
Sweet revenge
Sweet revenge
You let me bleed my revenge

Lauren MacPherson