For A

Tears in your eyes
That I never did see
You are like the sunrise
To everyone you meet
The way you laugh
No one would ever notice
All they could ever see
Was a bunch of hocus pocus
You said you were ugly
You would never be loved
We all told you that wasn't true
Yet right into the darkness you were shoved
We loved you so much
How could those people not
They were supposed to protect you
You could never deserve what you got
Even though they took you away
You'll always be in my prayers today
I hope one day you will see this
No matter how far away
And that you will always know
God hasn't cast you away
♠ ♠ ♠
This is dedicated to a friend of mine who moved away. I learned after that fact one of our mutual friends that she was been abused sexually and physically at home. She had gone through a lot of things, also a period of time where an actual psychiatrist said that she didn't have real emotions, that she just copied what other people did (which is horrible). I'm sad that she never told me, but I honestly am not mad at her, and I miss her and fear for her even more than ever.
If you go to church it would mean a lot if you could pray for her, if not I understand, I'm happy you took the time to read this.