A Wise Man Once Said

Under the bittersweet sun
On an evening I can never forget
I met a wise man

A man who looked
As if he could be 100
Laughed and acted as if he was ten

He told sad stories of his life
And after, I asked
“How could you forgive them?”

With a smile upon his face
The man told me
“Only hate is born from hate.”

Since I was so young,
I did not understand
What the old man was saying

But now you see, I am 81
And I have lived a life
Of many years

Some were good
And some were not
But I always remembered what he said

So now I sit under
The bittersweet sun
Telling you what he told me

And hopefully
When you are my age
You’ll remember his words

And pass them down
So this world that’s filled with hate
Can learn to forgive