When Death is Unexpected..

When Death is Unexpected you...
Want to kill your self, because the one you love most has died?
All of the above maybe...
In a Panic you cry and as your crying from the panic you trip and kill yourself?
Wow that was sad...
When death or trajedy happens you scream...
When Tragedy strikes what do you do?

Have you ever...almost OD'ed?
I know some one who has...
Or He did...but survived...
Who was the last person that died in your life?
Was it someone close or far away?
Did the color turn to black around you, and make you want to hide from the world..
We all have impuritys...Mine is being fat...
Some people it's being just a flat out beach...
There are those people, and If you are one, but havn't registed your are, Do that know, say it outload, to yourself, to your friends, cause They'll prolly agree with you...

Its somthing I think of often
It scares people
Most people are scared to die..
But Being scared can get you killed..
Watch some Horror movies, look to the first person that dies, Where they scared before the died?
Whatever the answer, do listen to it....
I have no Idea where I'm going with this...So I'll just end it..