A bridge between worlds

You stand there with that familiar look I’ve seen many a times before on different faces,
a mix of sorts,
pity, confusion, a slight tinge of compassion crease your face while you look me in the eye,
almost as if I am lost.
Almost like I’m torn between worlds and my own hidden soul-
And you’ll ponder who pulled at the core and ripped it all.

I’ll let out a sigh, a gentle gust of all my thoughts
and glance away knowing, just like most
you won’t feel that gust, that little sigh of mine-
It only finds familiar ground in my lungs, you see
roams my body and every inch and cranny of my being-

it will all muster within my chest,
surpass the apex of my heart.

You won’t understand my struggles-
these fears, joys or doubts -
you wouldn’t have crossed nor burnt the bridges I have,
maybe you could have see their flames, maybe smell the smoke-
but you never knew what was lost and gained
never felt the heat, the slight burn of the skin,
your eyes always dry.

Torn between two worlds, is all I ever seemed
forced into the facade of being a bridge,
between generations, between should’ve beens
I’ll probably rust, or maybe I’ll fall,
but this, in your eyes, is all I’ll succumb to.
A bridge between worlds,
the old amongst the new,
foreign land on both sides,
my sides have moulded, I have flooded too,
but never have I forgotten the sun’s warmth.

You’ll never know what tore at the seams, pulled and tug at my strings-
tried to rid me of all I ever was and could’ve been,
but I’ve always stood firm, even through all my doubts and fears-
for that is all I’ve ever known,
you see, I am a façade of a bridge,
I stand firm, but always ever moving, for defiance is all I am.