In A Moment

Like the sun that shines so bright
Like a wall that stands so strong
I'll always hold you so high,
I'll always ease your dark qualms

Like the moon to light your path,
Like the stars to guide your way
I'd never let them harass,
I'd never let your hope wane

To let you see your self-suppressed beauty
Ward off feelings you seem to dwell,
To quell thoughts you think so dismal,
Border on sordid and noble
As their lying caused your slow implosion

Even if clouds cover stars,
If the moon never does shine
Know that you're not the lesser,
No matter how they belie

Even if the walls fall down,
If the sun never does rise
No matter if you disown,
Know that you could never be vile

In a trice where I'm just your own device
In the moment you have risen,
When I'll be seen as the villain,
No matter how much I've fallen
In a trice when I was the sacrifice