Sonnet 13b

We had more than a fantasy,
an island in the stream
just you and me;
two mirrors conscious looking at ourselves
through the love in our reflection's eye
a pitiful and contrite heart,
might hide under disguise;
but turned to love it's easy seen
in a glass-blown lover's mind.
And that's when the glial cells,
group together for a memory
the coalescence of a love forgot,
the scenes of frozen time to hold.

When love was easy,
no need to stop;
dancing to Life by the Drop
a heart by rule made to be broken,
ne'er to heal, the scars--
remind us what we really are.
Confused strangers in a crowd
calling for each other loud
two pieces of the chromosome,
when mixed, the memory moves on;

the picture books we store lest we forget,
that cigarettes are like regrets;
they even burn the tray;
and as with smoke they burn they choke
but do not ash away
to write the name of we to be
is disappearing ink;
with time it fades like naked footprints on a beach
the cold hand of a loved one lost,
returned to warm, to stand;
to be lost again inside our self created lands

to say us by mind to switch,
bad memories as though a glitch
and with a focused mind rewind
and enjoy most beautiful times
so that some joy we make take yet
in memory of silhouettes.
To dance in the dark as ages go,
one year to another through
will no day bring another you, nor me
what could it be except a mockery of what we call destiny
that ball and chain the aggregate of all our choices made

it is the same song, sung of old,
of passion rich and fervor bold;
when the music rattles out
nothing left o dance about
the record skips its but a scratch
rewind the dreams and play them back.
if to dream one only is to cling,
to the beguiling call of birds, who sing,
and moments past the only source,
from which our happiness may spring
from the pool of a most pond'rous stream

quiet with no water falling,
just still and quiet to call,
upon that stream again, to bring our joy
back to the surface of the looking glass to see
in spite's place lay simple understanding
if there lies the rub then let it lie---
with memories and chemical lullabies