Just This Once

It doesn’t happen often -
No, it barely happens at all.
Today’s especially special because the bombs have started to fall.
I need more days like this,
Where I get to put things right;
Everything was wrong when I landed on this cold dark World War night.

Rose keeps talking about dancing,
And I tell her I have the moves.
But it’s hard to think about dancing when Captain Jack keeps disrupting my groove.
No Daleks this time, thank goodness;
Just a lost boy looking for mum.
If we had died then ‘Go to your room’ would have really made me look dumb.

But now all things are better;
Mrs Harker regained her leg.
The Nanogenes have gone their work and now Jamie can go to bed.
The bomb is taken care of,
And a dance with Rose I will give.
Today was fantastic because just this once, everybody got to live.
♠ ♠ ♠
Based on the Doctor Who episode 'The Doctor Dances'.