A Caged beast

Love is a curious feeling for the young and eccentric. The feeling has inspired one too many plays, one to many works of art that dig deep into many an artist carnal desires. What I find funny about this display is that it came from the most basic of human instincts, one of the few caged beast in the heart of man that truly are given free reign. It snarls and growls at its cage at out, tempting you with pleasure to act, to draw your eyes into its own, to take hold of you and truly free itself. The want to breed has been with humanity and all life from the start, a instinctive wish to continue the genetic slurry that is our existence , romantic notations slipping in as if to cover the slurry of crimson with light pink and impossibly shaped hearts. That is not to say I have never faced romance, a feeling of love once did pass by my flesh before coating it in tears and weak yells. The beast inside me drifting back into its cage only to bit at the bars, ignoring the door hanging wide open.

Love is a complexity brought upon human existence that we ourselves have created. A kind and feel good experience started with human lust, pushing away ills one might have if only to stand next to the bringer of their affection. The ever soft embrace of a love tempting a smile and closeness, a new feeling to the heart a friend or parent can't provide. As I sit contemplating the feeling of the last I wonder to myself and laugh at the irony of my own writing, I fell to my caged beast, altering him to fit in that isolated and blissful land of love, only to throw the ideas I implanted out like trash.