
You don't remember screaming and kicking your legs
As they dragged you away
You don't remember when they strapped you to that table
You don't remember when they sliced your hands off
And tore a screwdriver through your eye

You don't remember anything
You don't even remember the day you learned how to smile
Your smile ripped right through your skin
And stayed plastered to your face
But now you can't remember even that

You don't remember when you started crying after they tore your dick in half
You don't remember when you threw yourself in front of that train and got your head crushed
You don't remember what it was like,
Dying and dying but never being able to live

You don't remember when you got your scalp ripped off by that machine
You don't even remember when you got all ten of your fingers blown right off

You don't remember back when I loved you
You don't remember my name

Well, I remember
I remember back when you remembered

But now you can't remember anything
You can't even remember when we used to sit on the patio
And watch the sunset together

Now your one and only memory is the darkness
Pressing in and tearing through your skin
