Don't You Dare...

How was it so easy
to walk away like you did?
after you promised, after you swore!
you would never leave
just like they did

I told you all my dreams
I told you all my fantasies
as we talked all night
all the hours we spent
together... meaningless

How could you leave!?
I trusted you.

I gave you all I could
All I wanted in return
was for you to stay by myside
That was to difficult I guess,
to commit to what you said...

As i saw your back, as you left
my eyes started to close
trying to fight back hearing
all the lies that you said

with each passing step you take
my heart slowly turns black
not wanting to feel anymore
just ready to fade , ready to just give up

the steps you take
increases the need to just
fade away
soon the need to fade away
into the darkness
will consume me
soon I'll never be free
of what you did to me

How could you do this to me!?
I looked up to you,
I cared for you!
Hell, I even cried for you
leaveing me
You betrayed me!

You did this
so don't you dare
ask for forgiveness!
♠ ♠ ♠
What do you think?