
Slowly, Slowly
Take your time; there is no need to rush.
Slowly, Slowly
Warming up to your distinct touch.

Full of energy and life,
We’d compliment each other well.
Your spirit is boundless and refreshing,
Full of smiles, so carefree.

A slow and steady courtship,
Carefully considering this possibility.
Starting out as a solid friendship,
Waiting for day when you’ll ask me.

Has is crossed your mind?
It’s crossed mine aplenty.
I try to be patient,
After all, I’m the lady.

I bid my time.
I keep myself busy;
Anything to keep you off of my mind.
It’s futile task.

You’re in my idle thoughts,
Mainly thoughts of you and I, Us.
The possibilities that could occur,
If only you would say those words.

But I stay silent,
I wait my turn.
Slowly Slowly,
The embers burn.