A Tale of Chasing Cars

Fuck destiny and fuck the stars.
All beautiful things come recklessly.
Opportunity comes with plenty of scars.

All the best of things collaborate
But it's obligation that eliminates
All hope of finding another mate.

When you want another fish in the sea.
You'll soon find your lure and bait.

Fate will never a line accurately.
We're human?
Following instinct comes commonly.
Finding desire is all about probability.

They said patience brings lovely things.
They never told me
Patience would be the death of me
But lingering is something I do to breathe.

Shit happens.
I've learned it.
What about happiness?

Well, when you're disabled,
The fact is
Repeating catastrophe
Leads to disaster.

I'm working with a pin,
No eraser.
Ink sinks,
No changing.

I've learned
That the stars shine for the fortunate.
I've burned and all that's permanent.
♠ ♠ ♠
This poem is about looking into a certain lover, looking in general, and finding out that you need to look for someone that fits you in general.
But figuring out it's hard to look in general.