
This uncertainty, the sadness of not knowing.
How a love like this could turn so ugly.

Once happy, once meant to be.
You locked my soul away and I think I'll never find the key.

Empty, needing, unwholesome, broken.
I never did anything wrong, my voice never spoken.

Yet you always found a way to put me in pain.
Your angry eyes a permanent fixture in my brain.

I bleed inside, I ache.
Some please save me for heaven's sake.

I feel my heart start to slow, it scares me so much.
Sometimes I wonder if it's the best way to escape your touch.

I loathe you. But I love you.

It sickens me to the fullest to admit, as if you threw a punch, my heart has been hit.

I learn to let go. I learn to forget you.
It kills me to know I don't regret you.

I don't regret the person you once were.
So gentle and loving.

It's not me whole caused you pain, it was your sad self loathing.
And as I leave this dark front door, a reminder that my tolerance for your pain is no more.

Take my advice and learn to change your ways now.
I know you can do it. Some way, some how.

Until then, know that what you did to me will not go unpunished.

You take and you don't give.
Your love is not true.

But remember what you did to me..
Cause Karma will certaintly not forget you.