The Gift That God Has Blessed Us With

9 Months Ago, I had a precious baby girl named Cassandra Marie whom my heart quickly fell in love with. I didn't get to hear her first cry but the moment that I got to hold her for the first time, my heart just melted away. The first time I got to see her smile, hear her laugh, make all these funny sounds....the first time I heard her say "mama" and dada" along with "baby", those are the milestones I'm living for; to watch as my daughter grows up.

Before long, my daughter will soon be a year old on April 2nd of 2011. I will then get to see her first birthday party, eat her first cake and have it all in her hair. As I watch her crawl and then flop on her belly to get around to where she wants to be, I then watch as she stands up and holds onto things that's close nearby for her to grab onto. It won't be long and she'll be walking soon as she's already into the climbing stage, the terrible two's as I like to say.

She's still my baby and she always will be. When she starts talking to where I can understand her and when she's old enough to know right from wrong and to understand the word "no", she may get into trouble and get her butt tore up but still she will always be my baby. I will always love her and care for her as the years, months, days pass by us. My little girl is growing up way too fast and there's nothing I can do about it but to sit back and let it happen.

Cassie is surely the gift that God has blessed us with and there's no doubt about it. She had a few complications at birth but she pulled through with only a matter of days. Weighing at 4lbs and 11 ounces, now she is 18lbs even and she's into everything. To see the tears fall from her eyes when she's tired, hurt, in pain, or just got a temper...tears my world apart but I do my best to comfort her and to tell her everything will be alright. She is truely the amazing and wonderful gift that God has blessed us with and I wouldn't change it for the world.

By: Ashley Perry
Age: 24

`*Cassie when she was One*