Tell me you love me... Even if it is a lie

I’m sorry
I just can’t forget you
I know it’s stupid
After all you’ve put me through

But I just can’t
Get over you
Where ever I go
I remember the times
I spent with you

And when I try to forget
I just remember more
There’s nothing I can do
To forget about you

I miss you
I miss your voice
I miss your laugh
I miss everything

God how I’m stupid
I even miss the lies
Your bittersweet words
I can never forget

What I want to hear
The words you said
Looking straight into my eyes
“I love you”

Those words I crave
Just like a drug
I know it’s not good
But I still want it

I’m still hoping to
Get those words one more time
So please
Tell me you love me
Even if it is a lie