Unknown to me... Just a dream

As the pen hits the paper.. To quickly capture thoughts of perfection... My mind draws blank.. Fading out... Recalling only the sweet sound of hurts by illuminated... I do not know you.. But my soul reaches for you... For the familiarity of your thoughts, your whispers, and one day... Your gentle touch... Ahhhhhhh... Perfection... A beautiful lie they once fabricated... "No such thing as perfection..." "My darkness.... They've never had a though of you as I have..." 

Thoughts of you leave me like that of my favorite song... A heart wrenching melody leaving me BREATHLESS... Vibes flow from you... From words of you... Calm and serene like  the oceans after the storm... 

With just a simple thought, I feel life within you.. My soul Craving the hunger that lives through you.. The hunger for more... One day.. I wish but to sit with you... To be able to watch you unknowingly command attention.. Watching the fireworks change colors simultaneously in your eyes... Illuminating the darkness that so desperately calls out for you.. 

I hear the words you speak and I wish but to be those words dancing across your lips.. In search of that hidden kiss.. Romance my heart.. My thoughts... My dreams... Take my hand... Follow me into shadows... Together we shall make them jealous... Green with envy... Take your hand.. Press your palm against my chest... Hear me whisper.. "They flutter for you..." feel my breath against your neck.. Feel the beat of my so called heart... Now so damaged and broken from the past tornados.. Causing damage in their wake... Hear the flutter of the butterflies as they fly within me in total chaos... Unsure of the life they now can feel.. 

As if in a dream.. My eyes slowly open... Looking past the illusions of reality... Searching for  my dream world.. The one your the star of... Standing there.. Reaching out.. Your like a summer breeze so desperately needed... I see beauty in darkness... You light my midnight sky... Your smile like a beautiful sunset... Your crimson heart adding a tinge of color to the one broken inside me.. Begging for life.. For passion.. For love... For truth.. And absolution... 

My thoughts quickly and in a hurry disappear... My cheeks turning amber red in color for even a thought... Whispers from the winds... "your dreams.. Is where he shall be.. "