In the Eyes of an Abused Child


No, this poem isn't about me.
It's about children who have
Been abused by there parents,
grandparents, etc. I just thought
I would use a daddy figure as the

I struggled to get loose
But his strength was too strong.
He beat me black and blue
As I cried "daddy quit".

Terrified he would find me,
I ran and hid in the closet.
He always managed to seek me
Everytime. Too young to fight back.

I was home alone when the cops came,
Scared and petrified, they took me away.
Sent my daddy to jail and me off to a
Good home. The Lord was by myside.

I liked my new family and they
Liked me. Even took me to church.
I grew up and followed my dreams,
I wrote a book called "In the eyes
Of an abused child".

By:Ashley Chavis