One day... I pray

They say love is over rated.. But we all ask for the one person to change our minds to change our world.. We are young and choose not to believe.. Deep down our soul screams!! Screams we cannot ignore..

I look forward to the end of destruction the past pains have caused
My world was shattered.. the picture of perfection you painted destroyed by your words as if paint thinner was provided to erase all the memories..
My forecast in life is clear to me..
Changed from gray skies and showers to bright sunny days..
Pain is to my past as contentment is to my present and deep love is to my future..
like a mathematical equation, it can not be solved without you and I together
I want you to part the oceans called my blood and make it boil like a volcano ready to explode..
Look at me as if tomorrow is never promised..
know the truth in the words i speak or behind the looks i give.. with each gentle kiss or touch from my finger tips..
See life's promises and make ones of your own, listen to the songs my soul sings,
of desire for you and the love you bring...

You know me better then I know myself.. With each line on the palm of my hand.. or with the reason behind each different smile that spreads across my face.. You know the dreams behind every blank stare.. You rule my heart as if its your own little kingdom.. Putting me on that Pedestal they once told me i'd never be able to sit upon..

You see right through me
Deep in my soul
You know how to sweep me off my feet with that one tender kiss..
You know what pains me, what angers me and what soothes me

You see right through me
You see the meaning behind each tear
The meaning behind each breath or each step taken
or through each word spoken, through each fear

You see right through me..
Down to the core..
You look at me
see the attention I'm screaming for
You see my heart not as broken
my soul not as tainted
my life not as ended
my secrets not as secrets

We ask everyday for someone so true..
someone who can love us more then we love ourselves at times..
Some one to be strong when we are weak..
Someone to make us laugh, take away our tears, protect us from the darkness in the world.. someone to hold us tight and cuddle us at night..
watch us as we sleep, move the hair from our face.. see perfection no matter how imperfect we are, knowing we have 1 million flaws..
Someone to count each breath and thank GOD he's given you the flame that lit your candle and helped you find your way..

Someone to stand beside us and refuse to walk in front or behind us..
someone who counts the small things as the biggest gifts in the world..
Someone to give away kisses for each flaw we may have,
and to never complain that its just too much..
And someone to believe that although we leave for a minute, we will be around for all eternity..

True love is over rated.. for it is not true love.. but two single souls intertwined as one..


P.s One day I will find mine..