Emotions Run

Emotions run thick, like the blood coursing through my veins, warming my skin as if standing in front of a fire.. Waiting for the feel of amber against your skin.. making you feel ways you've never felt before. Tears falling like that of the Beautiful Angel resting at our feet.

I ask myself, every minute of every day.. Why?

Why am I not able to hide from the blackness that surrounds me like the shadows that hide forever in the corners of every room I go to.
Blackness clings to my heart shattering it from the inside out, like that of the window I constantly beat on begging to be free.. Free from these chains that bind my feet and hands, making me feel helpless, feeling abandoned, alone..

Jumping out of bed opening your eyes, blinking fast to wipe away the kaleidescope of blackness that consumes me.. Feeling as if someone is close but yet still far away..

Hearing a scream as if at a distance, feeling the earth quake beneath my feet.. Soaked from the sweat that has flown from my body , from the fear that speaks to me.. Calling out my name.. Never leaving your side.. Waiting for the day..

1.............2.............3.................. Breathe...

Calm, Steady, cool breaths.. Feel the rapid beat of my heart begin to slow..

Emotions run thick like the blood coursing through my veins... Slowly warming my skin like the flames that fly beneath my feet..
♠ ♠ ♠
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