Back off

I love the games you play,
Especially when I'm the one who created it,
With everything you do and say,
Wash with me and I listen as I sit,

Staring into your eyes,
You have your hand's on him,
You have no idea that your last moment dies,
Where I take control and create sin,

Sipping my drink,
Holding the glass in my hand,
My lover looks at me and winks,
Playing along with something he could withstand,

I hate to see others around the one,
The one who holds my hand,
Sometime's they can't help but be in one place just to stand,
Unable to make a move,

Now I have mine,
He has his,
Heart in Heart,
Hand in Hand,

Nothing can come between this, nothing is the same,
So sit back down,
You won't be able to defeat the game,
He has the ace,

So back the fuck off,
He's mine,
Sit the fuck down,
You don't have a chance.