That not-so-normal night

It was just a normal night
when he pulled her away
All of her friends thought he was perfect
She thought he was perfect
But that would soon change
When he pulled her away,
He kissed her lips
With a gentle touch
She breathed in his scent
She smelled alcohol and smoke
But that didnt register in her mind
As he grabbed wrist,
Fierce but light,
To his car, and then to his house,
And then finally to his bedroom
Where he shoved her on to his bed.
She realized what was happening,
So she kicked in shoved,
But nothing worked.
As she turned her head
She saw a knife on his nightstand
Why it was there, she had no clue
But she didn't worry about that now.

She grabbed the knife,
Then with all her might,
Shoved it right through her brother's heart.