Alan Doesn't Love You

He keeps using her, it's really pissing me off
And she's so fucking blind
She keeps crawling back, he won't piss off
Jesus Christ! For once can't you listen
He's never going to love you
He's a rock, emotions are distant
My god, Julia, can't you see he doesn't care?
I bet he's thinking of the next girl he's going to fuck
While he's moaning lies into your ear, pulling your hair
Baby girl, I know it hurts, but haven't you any sense?
You're a little girl to him, he's a man
Every time you mention him don't you hear my voice tense?
Julia, you keep crying and whining
I'm getting sick of the tears
Julia, you keep lying, I'm dying inside for you
For two years now, my thoughts for you have been fears
I need a fucking cigarette
You news just made my bad day even worse
What is he twenty? And he touched a girl of thirteen?
Don't be too upset, Julia, last year that was you and him
Same age difference, same level of wrongness
Same shit that drops my jaw, don't you feel small yet?
How could you be so insecure
To run back to the core of your heartbreak?
How much bull shit can you take?
My god, Julia, he's not making love to you! It's rape!
He's never going to swallow his pride, Julia
He's never going to treat you right
He's going to keep fucking using you
And you will only keep crying
He uses little girls, because believe it or not we're naive
And as long as you keep throwing yourself at him
He will keep receiving what he wants --
Just a random piece of ass
He doesn't love you, Julia, you don't love him
You're in love with the possibilities
That maybe someone really respects you
That maybe they'd really stay for you
Maybe you'd be with a great, genuine person
But it's time you open your eyes to the truth --
That no one's going to respect you
Until you start to respect yourself
Guys really want girls who are hard to get
Who are picky and cautious, who give a damn
Guys like class, talents, and at least some innocence
Douches want insecure girls
Who they know will give in with given persistence
No one's going to love you
Until you love yourself enough to change
I hate you break it to you, but
He's not the only one to blame.