
Sitting in class
I'm losing my mind
Losing inspiration
I used to be one of a kind

I used to be myself
Somebody else
I never wanted to be anything else

Used to be myself
What am I now?
Fading away

You say we're kindred spirits
How I wish
That I didn't feed you so much bullshit

I feel changed
I've been switched around
You were my truth
Now I'm your lies
Was that a dream?
Is this going to be our reality?

Brother don't you see
We're a shallow existence
You trust me
I trust you with my life
But only skin deep
Our love may be nothing bought
But sometimes it feels so
Just cheap

I need to be myself
Somebody else
I never wanted to be anything else

But I got carried away in the beginning
I lost my meaning
Did i ever have it to begin with?

Circumstance alone
Tore me apart
I lost value in life
I lost trust in any heart
I lay in the clouds
I stared down
Missing the stars
I was so high up
I should never have looked down
I should never have left the ground

I've lost reality
And conversation
A feather's touch
And inspiration
Traded my life for
Smoke and desperation

In the beginning
I lost my meaning
I got carried away
Did i even have it
Did i know to begin with
♠ ♠ ♠
This is my first poem I have posted on Mibba, actually I've been inactive for four years and am finally going to post SOMETHING.
Anyway, seeing as you have come across this, I would appreciate and comments or constructive criticism.
Thanks guys!