Crystaline Heart

little pieces of glass
melted together,
and shaped.
a perfect crystal heart.
who to give it to?
who shall recieve it?
who shall it recieve?
but remember:
the instant you give it away~
you will labeled.
are you a girl giving it to a girl?
are you a guy giving it to a guy?
best give it to the opposite gender-
but then:
who said love was
only between man and woman?
is love defineable?
isn't it:
Loyalty to someone?
Obedience to their boundaries?
Victory when overcoming a challenge together?
Endless affection for him or her?
sometimes, I hear others
claim they know love.
How can you know something that is undefined?
some say love
means never having to apologize.
but I think apologizing is
a large part of love.
we are constantly learning,
so we should admit
when we are wrong
and apologize if it caused damage.
some say love is
but then we have movies about people
"falling in love"
as if its always there
and never acknowledged.
but I think-
love is bigger than
we make it out to be~
its part of what makes us human,
brings us together
on many different levels~
in part,
its how we communicate
with each other.
when we've reached
the point of not caring
others will judge us
based on
who we decide
to give the crystaline heart away to,
that's when we've found LOVE.
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