Cold in the Rain

Cold in the rain
I'm running away
From the beating in my chest
I've never been the best
But I've got to be sure it was better than this

I've never been much for running
I've always loved the rain
Do i mean for the hell of it
Or for being out in the cold
I can't stand standing still
I'm not a fan of pain
But every now and then when
The music is quite quiet enough
And I've drowned myself enough
I think about it too much

In ten years where will I be
Who will be writing my speech
No direction bound
I'm bound to find something one day
I know this
But it's useless to forget it
I'll always
Every day I'll regret it
Lying to myself in a
Lonely it's only me room

I'll be the sun one day
I'll be anybody but me right now
I'll dry up all the rain
Then watch it build to breaking once again

Rain softens the blows
It makes me take it slow
Softens all the edges
Makes them less revealing
In fact it's quite concealing
And just easier to talk to
When you know there's a wall of water
To talk through

I like the teardrops on my face
That I don't have to let go
Instant release concealing denial
I can't scream in a pillow
If it's rest for my head
All done and said
Screams have nowhere to go

(I've never been much for running
I've always loved the rain)

But I'll run away this time
What's a better confidante
There's the rain my constant
But not constant presence
Before I scream in shame
Cold in the rain
(What have you done)
I'm running away
(Why take it so far)
From the beating in my chest
(Is it lack of direction)
I've never been the best

They say things get better
But I've got to be sure it was better than this
To requisite such shame
In letting go of everything
{You've got to go places to go places}
♠ ♠ ♠
That second last section is confusing. I know it works, but it even mystifies me sometimes.
Oh well i hope you enjoy.