
Bellbird don't turn into a bluebird
Fly back to me
Bell don't let them chase you away
Don't give them one day

Incomparable you are to me
You're beautiful
You're kind
You have your mind
Don't let them take it away
Fight for your life
I'll fight for you
I'll make them see

You're nothing but a slave
To these organised quick-fix days
But there is no fix in a haze
You know it
You've always been smart enough to see
We're all small fish in a sea
Of corporate sharks
Don't let the rips pull you further away from shore
Away from the land you adore

Bellbird don't turn into a bluebird
Fly back to me
Don't let them expel your mind from your body

Take flight with considerable colour
It's just like you
Steady flight
I know you have fight
I'll be at your right
I'll make the end of this
I'll give it light
But this will never be right

You should never be a prisoner
Despite the soil on which you are enslaved
Welcome to the new world
I hope they're not proud
Of such a disgrace

Fly home
I love you
I trust you
I don't want to have to miss you
Anymore than I do
♠ ♠ ♠
I hope you like it, it's one I'll never forget.

Please comment with your thoughts :)