WTF am i doing?

pace; jump into the shadows
breaking the bubble; popping the barrier
instinctively drawn towards madness
a famine in his mind with a hunger for a peace

Chasing drops of wind as they slip from his grip
hands burning from a broken heartbeat
struggling for words as the page before him grows
but shrinks, because it is SO DAMN AMBIGUOUS!

Seriously! What the fuck did i just say?
I doubt it was poetry; I just said anything that seemed like rational thought
clearly a stroke has formed, or my words would actually make sense
clearly they don't.

Look at the previous verses in list
(That's about the quality of writing it deserves)
Do you see my super clever rhyme scheme?
Yeah, me neither.

I assume I'm supposed to now say a line like,
"fire burns cold, ice kissing my skin with its frozen lips"
sounds kinda sweet and artistic, right?
NO! just... no!

i clearly have no idea what I'm doing.
And yet I can call this a poem... somehow.
But now it seems like I need to come to a conclusion
your attention is clearly fading fast.

(by the way, if you're reading this, you're probably the only one. yeah.)

This ending should leave something kind of ambiguous
much like the beginning
but what if I end this early?
It is annoying when things end before you're-----