
I feel not a filling.
I feel a feeling blooming.
Not like any before.
Like something eternal within time.
Not a fooling passing hour.
Not a fooling little flower.
But a feeling without fillings,
A feeling beyond any kind.
For kind T’is the heart
That made me begin this rhyme.
For once I feel there isn’t a crime.
T’is that heart that keeps me from lying.
-Holds me in warmth like a kiss at night.
Stays awake with me awaiting the fight.-
I feel not some other old little feeling.
I feel safe from even that beyond light.
T’is a feeling of strength like no other:
We are like little vines,
Intertwined and divine.
Continually we’re growing
Towards the brightest of all lights.
I feel T’is not a filling.
Not a fool of a little flower blooming.
T’is like something enteral within time.
I hope this is all truth,
For, I’d like to be enteral, together, within this rhyme.