Moment in my Mind

My train of thought
Derailing often
Colliding with another
The blink of an eye
A new thought

Blink of an eye...
Life changes in
a blink of an eye

What am I going to
do with my life?
Two years until
I’m off to college

Two years...
I’ll be 18
I won’t live
with my parents
Can I handle it
on my own?

My parents...
Supporting me
in everything
Pushing me to
work hard
I’ll miss them
when I leave
I love them

Oil City
Everything I know

Little Sister
The only one left
at home
How will she
handle it?

Panic sets in
I have to stop
thinking these thoughts
Everyone grows up
I must too

My train of thought
Leading me into a dark tunnel
I have to get out
I have to stop worrying
I have to make the most