
I’ll forget the blade ever entered my sight,
The scars will remind me, kept hidden from the light.
Uncontrollable motives erupt within the night
Life is an unstable battle and it’s not worth the fight.
We are born from blood and shall die all the same
Stitching away the remnants of my broken skin,
I’ve been on both sides of the fence to see
These are the times that have shattered me.
The affect of the drugs have worn off already,
And the alcohol has escaped the crimson stream.
In search of an unquenchable fix to sustain
Calm the fighting nerves, rest the sleepless heart.
Solace found inside this thinning metal strip
As it sharply caresses the blood barren flesh.
The best laid plans have gone beyond awry
And the end to this tragic tale is nearing.
Suffering through no fault that can be claimed,
Regardless of time, this wretch remains.
This reunion of steel and skin, blood and blade
Only marks another broken promise to myself.