What if heroes don't exist

What if heroes don’t exist
By Aaron Ducker

What if batman Is just A rich pervert with a PVC fetish
What if Popeye is just a sailing hipster who loves spinach and lettuce
What if Spiderman is just hallucinating due to being bitten by a poisonous fuckin spider
What if wonder woman’s just a tree hugging slut with something bigger deep inside her
What if the green lantern is a just a shitty test pilot wishing he was else where
What if he-mans only superpower is having ridiculously gay hair
Or what if the hulk is just a passive aggressive husband who thinks rage in the bedroom makes his manhood seem bigger
What if flash is just a guy in stupid costume with an impressive amount of vigour

What if heroes don’t exist
Can we still persist
Or do we hit in miss
Without a rubber clad man
To lend a hand
Or are we damned

What if Superman is just an angsty alien from another universe
What if catwoman is a just cranky female who get sick of men stealing her purse
What if peter parker is just a nerdy kid wearing a stupid suit taking self photos in an attempt to reach the front
And than what if the hulk is just a metaphor for roid rage
What if Green Arrow is just a rich kid with too much time on his hands
What if “Stan Lee just imagine” is just an ego-trip by Stan
What if the crow is just an emo musician who wants to come back from the dead, fantasises about having a girlfriend and listens to too much “first to last”
What if kick-ass… is not really that kick ass

What if heroes don’t exist
Can we still persist
Or do we hit in miss
Without a rubber clad man
To lend a hand
Or are we damned

What if the avengers aren’t avenging anything at all
What if robin’s secretly playing with batman’s balls
What if dare devil is just a blind guy who’s into S&M
What if aqua man is just a swimming champion
What if the phantom.. is really just a cheesy fucking movie
What if Ashley J Williams.. still thinks its groovy to say groovy
What if superman is just a metaphor for him not fitting in cause he’s a spastic
What if the fantastic four isn’t actually that fantastic

What if heroes don’t exist
Can we still persist
Or do we hit in miss
Without a rubber clad man
To lend a hand
Or are we damned

What if heroes don’t exist
Can we still persist
Or do we hit in miss
Without a rubber clad man
Holy harrowing humanity batman