The Sky Is Gone

One day
I'll know what this is
I'll know the taste
I'll catch its haste
I'll feel the fire
Lift me higher
To the ceiling
Of the symphony
Of strings pulling at me

The rose that i rose from
Or what did i rise from
Where has this sky gone?
It held me to the earth
It kept me stable
Not floating
In no direction
Aimless peace
And all these misconceptions
Where are my perceptions

They are faceless
Why do I feel so graceless
In the presence of power
Of the hope
Of all chance
Of laughter

These things
I'll figure out later
But too late
Is it?
In this darkness
I sit
To wait?
For life
Or some sweet caress...?
♠ ♠ ♠
Please comment!
Tell me what you think, what i need to work on. If you get it, or if it makes any sense to you.