Give Me

Give them
Give me peace to understand.
My life I place in your hand.
To watch her, teach her when she runs away.
She hears nothing I have to say.

So give me patients, give her grace.
Help me show her beauty is more then just a pretty face.
I love her dearly and wish her nothing but love and joy.
But she treats those boys like they are just a pretty toy.

So give me widsom, give her meekness.
Help me fight my ignorant weakness.
I want to always protect her from pain and sorrow.
But I live in fear of what her choices bring for her tomorrow.

So give me courage, give her spirit.
Show her even if she doesn't want to hear it.
She is my sister and my fear is out of love.
I just want her to think on things above.

So give me strength, give her care.
To watch her suffer is more then I can bare.
Please take care of my sisters in this life.
Make them beautiful women who will become someone's wife.

So give me understanding, give them all.
Please break through their defensive wall.
I turn over my worry and fear to you.
I trust you to know what to do.

So give me their safety, give them your heart.
Help keep them from falling apart.
Please show them a woman of integrity has more beauty then one in vain.
Show them love is better then pain.

So give me a peace of mind, give them love that is not blind.
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I wrote this when I started hearing my sister say things no young girl should say. This is how I feel.