Dear Doctor, Let me Be Your Companion

All the places I could visit, all the places I could see. If only the doctor would take me.

Dear Doctor, let me be your companion, we could save the Ood from being possessed (again) or visit the slitheen on Raxacoricofallapatorius Wouldn’t that be glorious? We could meet up with Sarah Jane, looks like the Daleks are still surviving. Ready to fight them again?

Dear Doctor, let me be your companion, I want cell service in all the galaxies and a key to your TARDIS. I know there’s an awful lot of running I’ll need to do, but it’s worth it if I’m travelling with you.

Dear Doctor, let me be your companion! Take my hand and lead me through all of space and time. Even to the next week would be fine. I promise not to run off.

Dear Doctor, Let me be your companion. I may not be Rose but I’ll do my best to help you defeat your foes.