
I try to feel at ease
Sitting in the refreshing breeze

The waving yellow flowers
The green trees like towers

I ignore the smells, so fruity
As well as the landscape's beauty

I wait and wait
For him to chose my fate

I want, no I need to run
But for him, the chase is fun

Attempt at escape would only make it worse
The torture inflicted, he is the source

So I stay still
Denying him of the thrill

In this case, time is the fee
I will pay it, so one day I'll be free
♠ ♠ ♠
This is the first thing I've published in Mibba, so advice? Or comments? This was just for fun. Don't take it so seriously. I personally blame the song ("The Ransom" by Escape The Fate) for the way it turned out.