Just A Dream

We lie on the beach, our fingers touching.
You run your fingers through my tangled hair.
Up above the sunset is falling,
bleeding out like red ink on paper, all across the sky,
planting the smile on both of our faces.
The grass is gently blowing, swaying
like the wrestles tangle of my desires.
You bring me closer, I don't ask why,
I'm through with asking questions.
Whisper something in my ear and I can’t hear what you said,
So I just smile and nod.

I cannot remember how it came to be,
I cannot remember when we weren’t like this;
A hopeless dreamer and a writer who’s mad at the world,
Incomplete when we’re on our own.
I soak up every golden moment,
Our permanent smiles soaked in sunset
And I wish I could freeze this very moment
And live in it ‘till I die.
I need only you,
And you are here.

Then the annoying buzz of my alarm clock
Disturbs the fantasy so perfect it hurts.
Once again I was only dreaming.
I watch your beautiful photograph,
You’re dark, silky hair, you’re color-changing eyes
Escape my clinging, desperate hands,
Too sweaty to hold onto it.
You are a mirage, too proud, too complex
To belong to anyone at all.

And each day your smiling face will taunt me,
Mock me of my constant longing.
The brief touch of you, for a moment or too,
Then quickly pulling away,
Playing with my crystal heart,
Too deep and far too fragile to ever be satisfied.
I watch as your picture blows out of my window,
Cutting my body in two.