I'll Always Remember You.

I never knew you,
You're names had no meaning to me,
A year has past,
You're names still haunt me,
I'll never have my chance,
to be introduced,
to shake your hand,
to thank you,
to be able to say I met you,
Till Heaven brings us together,
I'll think of you,
I'll tell my children about you,
and most of all,
I'll always remember you,

You were to young to go,
Your lives only just beginning,
Barely making twenty,
Not even twenty yet,
The world will never know of your sacrifice,
Five in a vehicle,
Two never to be seen again,
Triangle shaped flags are all that remains,

My stomach churns at the thought,
the thought that you could've had a chance,
you could've,
but you didnt,
you were taken away,
why was it your time?
why wasn't it mine instead?
Or his?
Maybe even hers?
Why does this have to happen?
What is it within humans that makes fighting necessary?
I'll never understand the necessity of it all.

Tears fall like waterfalls,
the beautiful funerals soak through my memories,
memories I'm desperately clinging to,
though I desperately want to forget them,
Stomach churning knowing how close I was to being in the families position,
my brother so close to them,
yet just far enough,
I cant imagine,
the pain in his father's eyes,
the tear stains on his sister's face,
the bell tolls,
the candles lit,
the memories fill the air,
the same thing said in hundreds of ways,
I'll ways remember you.
♠ ♠ ♠
In Remembrance of 2 Marines who served with my brother. I unfortunately never got the chance to meet them. Today, April 23rd 2012 is the one year anniversary of their death. It is also my brother's birthday.