We'll Make It Through.

There are a lot of things that I can deal with, but this is asking too much. 
These last few months have been hard. With everything we've lost. And now we're losing more. All the things that happened in the past. 
Who would have thought it'd lead to this? With you going away, but you will be missed.
Who would have though, that everything could go wrong so fast? Aren't mistakes supposed to stay in the past?

And now I'm wondering, how I'm going to make it through?How am I going to go one without you? Knowing you wont be here, that you won't be able to make it. Knowing you'll be gone. And there's nothing I can do. I'll be lost without you. 

These last few years, were damaging. But we made it through with only a few cuts to show. And because of you, you can still see our glow.
They didn't slow us down, nothing will.
We made it through, and because of you,
We'll get past this too. 

I'll just keep praying, hoping, wishing, that you make it back safely. That you don't forget, that we're here, that we're something worth living for. That nothing, is so bad. That nothing is worth dying for.

You were always there for us, and we'll always be here for you. No matter what you'll do, you'll are and will always be a great mom.
♠ ♠ ♠
For my mom.